1949 - Jim Gardner and Col. James Wilson
1950 - Jim Gardner and Col. James Wilson
1951 - Ralph Bogart and Bobby Brownell
1952 - Ralph Bogart and Bobby Brownell
1953 - Ralph Bogart and Bobby Brownell
1954 - Joe LaSalle and Ben Hartig
1955 - Ralph Bogart and Bobby Brownell
1956 - Joe LaSalle and Haywood Nelms
1957 - Bill Thornton and Truman Connell
1958 - Jack Kurtz and Wynsol Spencer
1959 - Bobby Martino and Frank Clark
1960 - Larry Murphy and Billy Brownrigg
1961 - Ralph Bogart and Bobby Brownell
1962 - Frank Clark and Bobby Martino
1963 - Pete Zaccaghino and Dick Siderowf
1964 - Hank Miracle and Rudy Spiers
1965 - Ralph Bogart and Bobby Brownell
1966 - Keith Bowie and Bill Todd
1967 - Charles Holden III and Wayne Jackson
1968 - Ralph Bogart and Bobby Brownell
1969 - No Champion
1970 - Bill Ziobro and Paul Young
1971 - George Burns and Ken Peyre-Ferry
1972 - Bill Mallon and Marty West
1973 - Henri deLozier and George Marucci
1974 - Bill Mallon and Robbie Caprera
1975 - Mike Ball and Brooks Bolte
1976 - Mike Pratt and Rodger Simpkins
1977 - Bob Boyd and Bob Darling
1978 - Steve Fellinger and Mike Richter
1979 - Ed Offterdinger and Matt Sughrue
1980 - Henri deLozier and Tony Ciconte
1981 - Randy Morris and Brian Willard
1982 - Butch Mielke and Buddy Peoples
1983 - Butch Mielke and Buddy Peoples
1984 - Neff McClary and Wilson Dickerson
1985 - Butch Mielke and Buddy Peoples
1986 - Vern Caswell and Ken Dickler
1987 - Marty West and Gill Fitzhugh
1988 - Marty West and Gill Fitzhugh
1989 - Terry Teel and Mark Wallach
1990 - Ben Brundred III and Pat Tallent
1991 - Ben Brundred III and Pat Tallent
1992 - Scott Seymour and Fred Widicus
1993 - Tim Vigotsky and Chuck Tickle
1994 - Buddy Peoples and Jerry
1995 - Colin Clasper and Paul Kane
1996 - Scott Inman and Richard Holland
1997 - Paul Kane and Mike Watson
1998 - Bob Stark and Mike Cox
1999 - Kirk Lombardi and J.R. Shasteen
2000 - Jerry Courville and Pat Tallent
2001 - Albert Johnson and Jim McGuire
2002 - Jerry Courville and Pat Tallent
2003 - No Tournament
2004 - Albert Johnson and Jim McGuire
2005 - Gray Hamilton and Scott Inman
2006 - Mike Wah and Vance Welch
2007 - Chris Reeves and Pat Tallent
2008 - Scott Inman and Tom Offutt
2009 - Chris Reeves and Pat Tallent
2010 - Chris Baloga and Ray Sheedy
2011 - Mike Muehr and Bill Musto
2012 - Josh Notes and Andrew Rice
2013 - Brad Ferguson and Vincent Nadeau
2014 - Chris Baloga and Steven Delmar
2015 - Brian Simpson and Brent Davis
2016 – Christopher Laughlin & Francesco Romano
2017 – Brandon Cigna & Bart Mease
2018 - Frank Alafoginis and Ben Warnquist